
Tandem in Cusco
Complementary to your language classes, our free and optional Tandem program helps to create a forum for intercultural understanding.
Every second Thursday we do a trip to regional attractions with our Spanish students. We won´t take you to crowded tourist spots but to rather unknown places.
Cultural Activities
In addition to our language classes, ACUPARI offers a diverse cultural program to encourage the interculural exchange between Peru and Germany.

Our language courses Spanish and Quechua

DELE Preparation Course
DELE means “Diploma del Español como Lengua Extranjera”. In ACUPARI we offer preparation courses for the DELE exams in one-to-one lessons.
Quechua Intensive Course
Learn the Inca language with our Quechua Intensive Course. It is the most spoken indigenous language in South America and quite fascinating!
Spanish Intensive Course
Our Peruvian teachers respond to individual needs to improve your Spanish efficiently. Practice even more with a Peruvian Tandem partner!
Language School in Cusco Peru
Cusco Blog
+ 51 934 941 034